Thursday, August 24, 2006

Nike 1/2 marathon + 2.9 miles-come watch me!

So this Sunday will be my first real experience in a large race in NYC. I get to run through Time Square! So I will be getting my first preview of what is to come this November 5. Of course my team doesn't think 13.1 miles is long enough so we are running 2.9 prior to the race for a total of 16. This will be my longest run to date. After 14 last week, I'm a little more at ease about this run.

For those of you early birds and die hard fans:

The course will BEGIN at 7am on Central Park's East Drive (near 87th Street; enter the park at Engineer's Gate at 90th Street). The FINISH is on West Street near Rector Street and Battery Park.

I am attaching the map of the course so you all can start plotting out where you will be for the sidelines! ;) I will be running a 9:30 pace so I hope to finish in a little over 2 hours. But who knows, depending on heat/humidity/my will power!....we shall see!

Also, if you plan on sleeping in Sunday morning (I don't blame you!), I will making it over to Sheeps Meadow in the afternoon (post shower of course). So anyone interested in some good company, snacks, drinks, you will find me LAYING down somewhere in the lawn. Call me if you're around!

The Map:

Also can be downloaded at here.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger MEF said...

hi danika!

i'm moira, a fellow TFKer with a blog: check it out if you'd like! good luck on tomorrow's run--can't wait to run through times square with you! hopefully it won't be pouring!


At 3:17 PM, Blogger Danika said...

Hey Moira, thanks for checking out my blog. I just visited yours as well. Good job on the 14 mile run by yourself! That is not an easy task. Yes see you tomorrow!!


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